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About Mindfulness

“Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way;
On purpose, in the present moment and non-judgementally”.
Jon Kabat-Zinn

Learn how to use Mindfulness to:
- Feel happier, calmer and more fulfilled
- To improve health and wellbeing
- To cope better with stress and anxiety
- To get on better with others
- To focus on the present moment to strengthen mind/body connection

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Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction

The Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) programme is an eight week course of 2.5 hour sessions each week.  There is also one full retreat day between weeks 6 and 7 exploring all mindfulness practices and meditations within the course. 

MBSR was developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn at the Center for Mindfulness, University of Massachusetts Medical School after he founded the Stress Reduction Clinic in 1979.

MBSR aims to help clients cope with stress, pain or the challenges of every day life and to learn how to be fully present and in the moment.  

Within the course you will be introduced to different mindfulness practices including the body scan, mindfulness of breath and body, mindful movement and the three step breathing space. 

Participants are asked to commit to a minimum of 40 minutes of home practice six days a week for the duration of the course.  

All audios and worksheets are provided as part of the course.  

Mindfulness based Cognitive Therapy

The Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) programme was developed by Zindel Segal, Mark Williams and John Teasdale and is based on the MBSR programme.  It includes some aspects of cognitive behavioural therapy and was designed to help individuals with recurring depression.  It is important to note that it is not therapy but a skills based course whereby the participant learns to become more aware of thoughts and feelings and can recognise when they become entangled in unhelpful modes of thinking, learning the skills to make wiser choices.  

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.b Foundations 8 week programme for beginners, parents and teachers.

This is an eight week course through which participants explore how mindful awareness can support their wellbeing. This curriculum is based on MBSR and MBCT. It differs in that it has shorter sessions than the MBSR/MBCT courses. Each session is approx. 90 minutes.

This course is geared towards teachers and parents. Those working with young people can progress to train to teach paws b or .b upon completion of this programme.

It is the ideal programme for beginners who are new to mindfulness.

The eight lessons are:

1. Waking up to Autopilot;

2. Brining Curiosity to our Experience;

3. Mindfulness in Daily Life;

4. Stepping back from Thoughts and Worries;

5. Exploring Difficulty;

6. Relating to Ourselves and Others;

7. Developing Balance in our Lives; 8. Mindfulness and the Rest of your Life.

All audios and worksheets are provided as part of the course


Paws b programme for 6 - 12 year olds

Paws b can be run over six 1 hour sessions or twelve half hour sessions, covering six themes.

It is adapted from the .b mindfulness curriculum as well as influenced by adult mindfulness courses (MBSR, MBCT and .b

Foundations) It is evaluated by the University of Bangor, one of the leading research centres for mindfulness in the world.

The six themes covered in the lessons are:

1. Brain Training (our amazing brain);

2. Puppy Training (learning to be in the present moment);

3. Finding a steady place (grounding ourselves);

4. Dealing with the Difficulty;

5. The Storytelling Mind;

6. Growing Happiness


.b programme for 13 - 18 year olds

.b is a ten session mindfulness course for young people, adapted from the adult courses Mindfulness based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Mindfulness based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT). Each session is approximately 40 minutes in duration.

The ten lessons in the .b programme are:

1. An introduction to Mindfulness;

2. Playing attention (training your mind);

3. Taming the animal mind;

4. Recognising worry;

5. Being here and now;

6. Moving mindfully;

7. Stepping back;

8. Befriending the difficult;

9. Taking in the good;

10. Pulling it all Together.

Mindfulness: Service
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